

Dreadtober Coming To An End

So as Dreadtober comes to an end, I've made a big push whenever I had a bit of time to see about finishing what all I could which includes a few surprises for you all I hope.  I'm super pleased with how the month went over all.
First up I've managed to complete the painting of a total of 7 Dreadnoughts in all.  In addition to the three Black Reach Dreadnoughts, there is the dual twin autocannon Dreadnought and an assault cannon and missile launcher Dreadnought.  Finally there is a Contemptor and my Eddie.
Here's a bit of a better picture of the Eddie.  He's an interesting model and a great piece of GW 40K history.  I'm happy to finally have him painted.
Lastly for the updates I tackled my Chaplain Dreadnought.  While I made good progress on his paint, I don't believe that I'll have him done before Dreadtober ends but I will be pushing through to get him done.  He's got all the base colors in place but still needs wash layers, basing, some touch ups, and some detailing such as purity seals, etc.  Since I focused on painting the last half of the month, the Primaris Dreadnought only made it to the torso being assembled.  I'm going to see about getting him finished being assembled in November.

So all told, I will finish Dreadtober with 7 Dreadnoughts completely painted and one soon to be finished.  This will put my Dreadnoughts at 13 Dreadnoughts fully painted and based, 1 Dreadnought partially painted and 11 unpainted Dreadnoughts (technically 12 counting the partially assembled one).  For the first time, over half my Dreadnoughts are painted.  I might be having my own personal Dreadcember event to get some more completed as it's been nice to make some serious progress.
Don't forget to check out Cheef's and Neverness' progress on their Dreadtober projects as well.  Being not as talented painter using a much simpler paint scheme I might have painted more Dreadnoughts but theirs are both quite better looking than mine.

So that's all for now and I'll see you all next time.


Dreadtober Continues

So we've got some progress again for Dreadtober.  It's been a rough week and a half but we're finally back on track.
First up is the pair of Black Reach Dreadnoughts that I started with for this month.  They're both finally finished so we've achieved our first objective for the month!
Next up is are the Rifleman Dread and the one with missile launcher and assault cannon.  These two are now ready for basing and maybe just a few small last minute touch ups.
And then lastly for Dreadtober, we have progress on the Eddie.  He's now got all the colors added and just needs his wash layers and then his base painted.
Now for an added bonus, I've finished the first Void Lion primaris marine.  Now that the pattern is locked in, it's time to start getting all the assembled ones painted to make room on the table for the unassembled box.
So that's were we stand for now and I'll see you all sometime next week!  Thanks for visiting and hopefully your October has been full of Dreads too!


No Dreads This Time

Well, this update is a bit later than I had planned and not on the subject I had wanted.  But between work being about to hit the yearly inventory and the sudden weather changes hitting me with plenty of allergy/sinus issues it's been a pain in the butt of a week or so.  So no update on the Dreadtober this time around but now that things are better on the health front and just a couple days away from getting a lot better on the work front, the Dreads are coming!

So a few weeks or so back I had made a small BattleTech purchase to get a Rommel Patton tank to finish off my Eridani Light Horse regiment.  Well the seller was from Florida but was up in East Tenn about 30 minutes away from where I live.  I got a message inviting me over to a yard sale he and where he was staying were holding to look through a lot of BattleTech stuff.  So there were 5 plastic trays of vehicles, a small box of mechs, and a pile of books.  I picked up 3 of the vehicle boxes and a few of the books for $300.  However, after setting aside a good portion to keep, I still sold or traded off the rest to make my money back which meant I had well over $100 of vehicles for free.  I'm pretty happy with how it all worked out.  So now onto the LOOT! or I guess the proper term for BattleTech would be salvage or a Brion's Cache.
So what I kept was the 5 Long Toms, 6 LRM Carriers, 2 SRM Carriers, 4 J Edgars, 4 Pegasus, 2 Packrats, 2 Skulkers, 8 Goblins, 4 Drillsons, 4 Manticores, 4 Alacorns, 4 Shreks, and then a batch of support vehicles including a number of GHQ trucks, some BattleTech Ammo Carriers, MASH Vehicles, and a Mobile Command Center.
I also traded for a trio each of Unseen Griffins and Unseen Wolverines.  I don't have any plans for any of this at the moment but I'm sure an idea will come along soon enough.  Looking for some type of combined arms reinforced battalion, perhaps mercenary rather than a house force.  Still digging around for ideas and possibilities so we'll see how it goes.
I also found what I was looking for and purchased a few HeroClix to convert to Bolt Action to join my Captain America and Union Jack to form my version of the Invaders.  There is a Human Torch figure that will just need rebased as I like the look of this model completely.  Then there is a Namor the Submariner that will need at least a wash layer, maybe another touch up or two and then rebasing as well.  And lastly while not part of the original group, or any of it's reincarnations, but I like the Black Knight too much as a character and he'll be joining the British representations on the team once he's rebased as well.  I'd also like to make it more inclusive of the other allies by including a Thor for Norway but I've yet to find a Clix version of him that I like yet.  Other members pending good ideas including perhaps even mixing universes for a representative from DC as well.

So that's where we stand and I'm looking forward to getting going again on the Dreads.  It looks like I'm going to hopefully get 5 painted by the end of the month if this weekend and coming week are as productive as the first couple weeks were.  Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you all the next go around.


Dreadtober Part 3

Alright, this has been good for me.  This is the most painting on 40K that I have done in a while and it feels good to make some progress.  Dreadtober might be one of my favorite holiday now (need to find a space marine one now to motivate through some of that backlog though LOL).
First up are the two Black Reach Dreadnoughts.  I've a few small details to finish on them such as the purity seals on the Multi-meltas and some other touch ups, but they're basically done at this point.  I'm happy with how they are coming out and this puts my first challenge hurdle of Dreadtober almost behind me.
So having almost completed two Dreads paint jobs and still having plenty of days left, I of course pulled two more Dreadnoughts up to the table.  For some reason I've found working on them in pairs helps me make progress.  This time it's a Dreadnought with a Missle Launcher and Assault Cannon and a Dreadnought with Dual Twin Autocannons (or as fellow BattleTech fans refer to them Rifleman Dreads).  I've got the base Tarnished Steel on them, the Intense Blue portions, and the Bronze highlights.

And then we have progress on the Eddie.  I need to get some appropriate gray paints to work on the base for him, but he's now received his Intense Blue portions and Bronze highlights as well.  He's an interesting fellow for sure since in size he's more like a Centurion than a Dreadnought, but he makes for a nice piece of Chapter history.

So that's where we stand for now.  I'll be aiming for another update later in the week.  Don't forget to visit Neverness and Cheef as they work on their Dreadtober projects as well.  Thanks for visiting and I'll see you all next time!


Dreadtober Continues!

So this has been a fun event to get involved in and I'm making progress that I'm happy with.  I want to start this post though with a picture of most of my Dreadnoughts.  It was suppose to be of all of them but I noticed after I had taken the pic, that I had left two of the three "Rifleman" Dreadnoughts in the game case from the last time I played 40K.  So mentally add in the two missing Twin-Autocannon Dreads and you'll see the whole group.
On the two Dreads I started painting for Dreadtober, I had originally painting them Chainmail Silver over the primer layer of Black.  I then dry brushed Blackened Steel over them.  The next step was to do the blue panels and parts with Intense Blue and then the trim and decorations in Bronze.
This was followed by using some Black to make the flamers look like they've been used, picking out the hoses and cables in  Flat Red.  I then did a wash of Nuln Oil over the Silver/Metal, a Baal Red wash over the Bronze, and Drakenhof Nightshade wash over the Intense Blue.  I still need to pick out and touch up a few details and then they'll be ready for basing.
Not quite as much progress on the Eddie to show.  He got the Chainmail Silver base coat and then the drybrush layer of Blackened Steel.  I'm still trying to figure out where to put the Blue on him which is holding me up a little.
Lastly, I broke the plastic seal on the Primaris Dreadnought today.  I's a nice looking kit with three THREE!!! sprue frames with a number of very cool looking bits.  I've been told that it all goes together very snugly which allows for weapon swaps without having to place magnets so we'll see how all that goes.  I'll be starting on the assembly this evening so expect to see more of him next blog post.

So that's how we stand at the moment.  I'm making good progress I think and it seems to be going smoothly.  Hopefully all the rest of you are also making good progress on your Dreadtober projects.  Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you all next time!


Void Lions, Donegal Guard, and Dreadtober!!!

So let's start the month of October off with a blog post.  The past month or so of work has been a lot more demanding than it normally is but it hopefully looks like it's starting to calm down a lot more now.  But we'll see, cause as we all know, nothing is less predictable than retail during the holidays.  So let's get started.

First up, I think I've finally got a paint scheme for my Void Lion primaris marines.  I wanted a slightly spectral look for a lightning strike commando type force.  Hit hard, fast, and then gone on to the next trouble spot.  Hopefully it comes across that way but still has some color connections to their parent chapter, my Lions of Harlech.
Next up, I now have 8 lances of mechs for the 3rd Battalion of my Eighth Donegal Guard regiment ready to be based.  1 more lance is ready for highlight colors and the wash layer and 3 lances are just primered. It's nice getting a force close to completed and the end finally is getting into sight on this unit.
Last of all, it's DREADTOBER!!!  As we all know, my favorite unit in Warhammer 40K is the Space Marine Dreadnought in all it's variations, so a holiday for them sounds just about right.  I will be assembling my Primaris Dreadnought this month, but first of all I'm starting with paint on a pair of basic Dreadnoughts of my Lions of Harlech.  They're both Black Reach dreadnoughts and they've been stuck and just primered long enough.  Basecoat is down and next up will be the dark blue highlights and lots and lots and lots of washes with Nuln Oil.  I'm going to set my goal at getting 4 Dreadnoughts painted and the Primaris at least assembled if not one of the ones painted.

So that's all for now but thanks for visiting.  Looking forward to feedback on the Void Lion paint scheme and I'm still looking for storage ideas for bits!  I'll see you all next time and enjoy your Dreadtober festivities!