

Villains and a Couple Allies

Well, due to unforeseen difficulties, Cheef and I didn't get to play this past Saturday night, but we're working on a reschedule.  Still excited about the game and we'll see how it goes.  However, the night free did give me a chance to work on a some more Bolt Action super powers.
First up my allies finally got a Bucky to partner up with Captain America.  Most of the ones I had seen I didn't care for, but finally stumbled across one that I liked and he's now part of the crew.  He was a simple rebase and that's it.

And even though I only have a British Bolt Action army, I wanted to do some Axis Supers/Enhanced as well just because it's been fun and not expensive at all to do these.  Just a small collection of villains to start with, but there are more planned.

Baron Blood (John Falsworth)
    Union Jack's younger brother who was disappointed by his lack of recognition like
    his older brother, John sought out Dracula as a source of power.  Enslaved by the
    evil monster, he became Baron Blood and was used to assist the Axis cause.
Yes, this isn't the Baron Blood model, but I can't stand the look of him even though he makes a great model as a counterpoint to Union Jack and Spitfire.  So Dark Hawk gets vilified with a rebasing to fill in instead.
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler)
    A German champion with an armored suit that gave him enhanced abilities, he was
    a reluctant combatant for the Nazi regime who felt it nessecary to fight for his country
A foe of Ironman getting re-purposed here with a rebasing and a slight dry brush to bring out the detail on the solid green armor.
U-Man (Merrano)
    An Atlantean who challenged Namor for the throne, he was banished and turned to
    German scientist to enhance his abilities and help him claim the throne of Atlantis.
Another foe of the Invaders that I wanted to use that didn't have a model, but Black Manta makes a perfect substitute.  He was rebased and given a light dry brush to accent the black armor/suit.  I don't like the swords he has and they'll be replaced once I find something I like.
Batroc (Georges Batroc)
    French collaborator trained in various martial arts and close combat tactics as well as
    various means of infiltration and sabotage
Not a WW2 villain but the character makes sense, is a cool villain, and helps pull in the occupied French territory.  A quick rebase and he joined the vault of villains.
Feuerkopf (Hans Wilhelm)
    German scientist who found a way to safely channel fire by means of a special fuel
    and protective suit.
I've always liked the character Pyro as a villain, so he was a quick re-purposing as a villain of my creation in the vein of pulp type characters.  Quick easy rebase and the foes of liberty continue to grow.

So that's where we're at for now.  I still want to do a Baron Zemo, Red Skull, Crossbones, and Chameleon  for sure.  Perhaps a few more as I get an idea.  Being the holidays, it's been a bit busy at work for me so not a ton of free hobby time lately which makes these easy conversion so much fun.  That's all for now this go around.  Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you next time!


Gearing Up To Go Again

Leftenant Franklin Smythe, newly graduated from Kilbourne Academy, was sorely disappointed when he was assigned command of an armored lance in a militia command no less.  But then Caselton was visited by a raiding lance of Marik Militia and he saw his chance for glory.  Using his personality to overwhelm his rather meek commanding officer, he was now on the way to lead a reprisal raid against the same militia unit that attacked Caselton.  He and his two platoons of armor will return to glory, promotions, and recognition.  He'd show them all he should be in charge of a line unit of mechs or die trying.
So the all UrbanMech battle was a lot of fun and we decided to follow it up with an all armor battle that will take place tomorrow evening.  It's set for 8,000 Battle Value per side which should shake out to right at 8 or so vehicles.  Well for me it was 8 anyway, a nice round 2 platoons.  We'll see how this round of battle comes out with the first round being a draw.  Considering the size of my BattleTech collection, it feels good to get some fo them on the table.
I also got a few more models for my Bolt Action heroes.  First up is a Dr. Mid-Nite.  A great classic JLA-er, he was one I definitely wanted to work into the collection.  He got a quick rebasing and into the group he went.  He had a great pose and detailing, so I'm happy I found this version of him.
I couldn't tell you who this model was orginally but he'll be acting as a Green Hornet in my force.  A nice pulp fiction favorite that has too much personality to not be included.  He's not quite the original but he's close enough that it'll work for me.
I also did a couple noncombatants up to represent scientists to be used as high value targets for Bolt Action games.  They're nice models and after a rebasing didn't need any touch ups and are good to go.

So that's all for now and I'm glad you all stopped by.  I should have the BattleTech BatRep up sometime early next week unless the weather causes some issues with playing the game.  That's all for now and I'll see you next time!


Frontline BattleTech Units In Action

So this past Saturday I got to celebrate part of my birthday with a game of BattleTech against Cheef.  To make it even more unique and memorable, we went with identical forces so no need to point up lists.  So we broke out the cutting edge of technology and pitted a lance of UrbanMechs from my Davion's Caselton Militia against his lance of UrbanMechs from the Marik Militia.  Once the terrain was set up, we would be having as Cheef put it "Urban Warfare in the Woods".
This was also a chance to get not only my larger BattleTech terrain that I've been working on onto the table but also all my finished scatter terrain as well.  We set up on a 4x4 table with plenty of room for our very slow mechs to maneuver.  I set up my terrain as the defender with HPG Station, mobile satellite launch platform, a new power station I've been working on (more on it in a post later this week), the storage tanks, and then the small terrain such as a couple bunkers, defensive towers, and sensor stations.  My small factory piece is on the hill and just off to the right bottom edge of the picture.
So here we see our antagonists for a pre-fight picture.  It was nice to have an all painted battle as the next table over featured a second BattleTech game that was silver on silver.  Whaaaaaat two BattleTech games being played at the same time?  I know, crazy right?  While we had the nice clean high tech looking lanced of painted and based UrbanMechs, they had a fugly Blitzkreig and some other stuff.  So winner our game for the cool factor.
Here we are all deployed in the picture above.  Marik has three mechs coming through the woods and the fourth up on a hill for support fire.  My Davions are looking to repel the invaders and hopefully gain enough scrap and parts to keep their own mechs in top fighting shape.  I mean it's always good when the replacements come to you right?
Early on we saw some ranged shots from all the AC/10s but few hits.  All of our pilots seemed quite rusty but since the mechs are lightly armored, even a single hit from an AC/10 does serious damage.
As we got closer to each other, the hits started to add up.  I was definitely more lucky than Cheef when it came to achieving critical hits but he was getting more hits overall.  We both had 3 mechs in the woods battling while my fourth had a long range duel with his fourth on the hill where they both battered each other senseless.
The first "kill" of the game was one of mine who lost a leg and was rendered combat ineffective.  I ended up finally taking out one of his as well by getting down to being able to pretty much hit it anywhere for it to die.  So about this point I managed to get a head shot with two criticals that take out the pilot with extreme efficiency.  So after having my 3 facing his 4, it's now in my advantage with 3 on 2.
Several mechs are getting to the point of barely functional at this point in the game.  I ended up with one mech that had lost both weapons, had no where left to absorb a hit left, and is too slow to retreat, so what to do .....
That's right, it still has jump jets so who WOULDN'T do a death from above attack?  It doesn't matter that he took a shot on the way in and denied the actual attack, the sight of an UrbanMech trying to Death From Above another UrbanMech is cool as all get out!

But as he DID get finished off ont he way in, this puts us both at two mechs upright, enough armor between them to have one intact UrbanMech, and 3 small lasers as their combined armament because we're all out of AC/10 ammo at this point.  I have one mech that is barely intact and the other while in much better shape, doesn't have a small laser.  Cheef has one mech that has taken both engine and heat sink crits to the point that shooting the small laser or even walking will overheat it and then a mech that was tottering with little left like mine was.  So at this point we called it a draw and the remnants of both sides withdrew before some squirrels or a possom came down out of one of the trees to finish them all off.
Cause yeah, UrbanMechs are THAT cool!
All in all it was a very fun game with some memorable moments.  I'm definitely looking forward to doing something similar again sometime.  So that's all we have for now and thanks for stopping by!  See you all next time!