

Ghost Stalkers

So this might be the post that gets Cheef going off the edge completely on my collection, we'll see though.  A while back he sold to me an older captain model that he was tired of painting over and over and some older style marines he had primed green to join him.  Instead of pulling these into the Lions of Harlech like he thought I was going to do, I did something a little different with them.  I'd received some similar shade of green marines from another source even farther back and joined them with this small force from Cheef.

I now present to you a small allied contingent of the Ghost Stalkers space marine chapter.  Yes, that's right, a new chapter.  Cause one chapter of marines is never enough.  No, I don't plan to expand this small force any beyond possibly filling out the partial squads unless very similarly painted marines just land in my lap somehow.  What there is will be where the line is drawn, no companies shall be formed or organized.  Merely a small allied contingent is all this is meant to be.
The force consists of a Captain, 1 full tactical squad, 2 partial tactical squads, a partial devastator squad, and a rhino.  A fair portion of the group is partially painted or merely primed, but as so many of the Lions are still need in paint, there are no plans to work on this force in the near future.
Thus this Captain has been reborn as Captain Andre Nemo of the Ghost Stalkers's 4th Company.  The only tweak to the model since getting him was a sword blade swap to something more relic blade, which is my preferred weapon of choice on a captain.

The Ghost Stalkers are an Iron Hands successor chapter.  They're a fleet based chapter that patrols the eastern fringes of the Imperium.  The Lions and the Stalkers have been allies for a number of years now, ever since a joint campaign to deal with an ork wagh that was starting to threaten their area of space.  These two chapters often exchange liaisons and coordinate their campaigns when possible and it isn't a rare occurrence for a ship of the Ghost Stalkers to be found within the Cymru System.  The Stalkers have a long and honorable tradition of service patrolling the main space lanes to prevent depredations by Eldar corsairs, ork incursions, chaos fleets raiding, and such.  They lean toward ship boarding actions and close quarters combat tactics in their training.  While readily accepting of bionics and other modifications, the Stalkers are not as driven in this regard as their primogenitors the Iron Hands.  They believe that while the flesh is weak, complete rejection of the flesh is turning away from the Emperor's work creating the space marine.  Thus while bionics are common in the chapter, they are not as obvious as with other Iron Hand chapters.

And that's it for this small update.  There should be more coming in the near future as I take advantage of this vacation.


  1. Hell, these would work as those Mantis Warriors like you were talking about on my blog!

    also: "an ork wagh"

    Uh, no...da 'propa' spelling of dat word iz: WAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!!!

    1. It's not spelled that way when it's crushed under the heel of a properly deployed space marine force. =D

    2. We'll try to remember that when we're dismantling your wrecked vehicles for scrap...

    3. Oooooo, I get to take on the Orks this Sat? I've already got my list pointed up regardless, but this might end up being really fun then.

    4. Yup, made a list for 'em the other day.

  2. Yeah, Cheef's right: if you're not screaming it it's not not proppa orkish! But seriously, another chapter?! I get it though, Sometimes you just want to paint with different colors for a change!

    1. LOL, in this case it's NOT wanting to repaint something that was acquired already painted.

    2. "Sometimes you just want to paint with different colors for a change!"

      That's my gaming career in a nutshell...

    3. If by a change he meant after 2 or 3 models?
