So I've been studying my Bolt Action rule books and starting to get some models collected. I've decided that I'm going to be playing British Paratroopers and have started doing my research into their organization. I like the fluff of game systems. I like to have organization lists of who is in what role and in charge of what. So I started looking for how a Battalion of British paratroopers was organized. It took some doing, but while unable to find a nice simple chart, I did find a site with a good description. It also mentioned a Ghurka battalion that was converted into a paratrooper battalion. Can you imagine those scarey fellows coming down out of the sky at night at you? Talk about a nightmare scenario.

So I didn't want to use real life names on this, that just seems ... wrong for a game when the men gave their lives in a real war, so I've changed all the names from the real life unit to fictional names for my formation for the game. If someone reading this sees that I have something wrong in the organizational chart please let me know. I'd like to get this as right as possible.
2nd Parachute Battalion
Battalion HQ (5 Officers, 22 Men)
Lt. Colonel David Cromarty
Major Jeffrey Brackhaven
Captain Dennis O'Cleary
1st Lt. Elliot Pierce
1st Lt. James Tierney, Medical Officer
Headquarters Company (1 Officer, 10 Men)
Major Peter Abernathy
Intelligence Section (1 Officer, 10 Men)
1st Lt. Ralph Sherbrooke
1st (Signals) Platoon (1 Officer, 26 Men)
1st Lt. Simon Bryce
2nd (Support) Platoon (2 Officer, 36 Men)
1st Lt. John Moore
A Section (Mortars), Sgt James Watson
B Section (Mortars), Sgt Duncan McGuire
C Section (HMGs), Sgt John Cooke
D Section (MMGs), Sgt Tom Meares
Protective Section (6 Men)
Sgt Ross Osbourne
3rd (Administrative) Platoon (1 Officer, 76 Men)
1st Lt. Nigel MacIntyre
A Company
Company HQ
Major George Foorgate
Captain John Woodson
9 Aides/Runners
3 Medics
4th Platoon
2nd Lt. Arthur Forsythe
A Section, Sgt Charles Winston (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt Patrick Fisher (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt James Owens (1 NCO, 9 Men)
5th Platoon
2nd Lt. Kevin O'Donnell
A Section, Sgt Michel Hughes (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt Alister Stanley (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt Reginald Conwy (1 NCO, 9 Men)
6th Platoon
1st Lt. Peter Covington
A Section, Sgt Ian Jacobs (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt Edward Price (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt Thomas Holmes (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Company
Company HQ
Major William Howe
Captain Donald Welton
9 Aides/Runners
3 Medics
7th Platoon
1st Lt. Alexander Gatesby
A Section, Sgt Lloyd Bancroft (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt Jonathan Hastings (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt Stephen Powys (1 NCO, 9 Men)
8th Platoon
2nd Lt. Frances O'Malley
A Section, Sgt Mark Haig (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt James Prescott (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt Daniel Asheford (1 NCO, 9 Men)
9th Platoon
2nd Lt. Franklin Sands
A Section, Sgt Tobias Finch (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt George Hearns (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt Sean Baird (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Company
Company HQ
Major Todd Mosely
Captain Owen Hydesmythe
9 Aides/Runners
3 Medics
10th Platoon
1st Lt. Alfred Hennesy
A Section, Sgt Paul Sheffield (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt Martin Ridgeway (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt James Houseman (1 NCO, 9 Men)
11th Platoon
2nd Lt. Vincent Marlowe
A Section, Sgt Oliver Crowe (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt Andrew Jamieson (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt Paul Halstead (1 NCO, 9 Men)
12th Platoon
2nd Lt. Brian Harrington
A Section, Sgt Byron Lowe (1 NCO, 9 Men)
B Section, Sgt Sebastian Dempsey (1 NCO, 9 Men)
C Section, Sgt Albert Trevayne (1 NCO, 9 Men)
One odd thing that I learned that the Intelligence Section was also the snipers of the battalion. Quite unusual and I didn't expect that. The recce jeeps will be in the motor pool part of the Administrative Platoon. Signals Platoon is where you'll find the paras on bikes. Artillery will be on loan from the Regimental level. Like I said in an earlier blog post, I'm planning on collection about 1300 to 1400 points at this point to have plenty of options for a 1000 point list. There are no plans on having this entire list collected what so ever, it's merely so in my mind everything I do have will have a place.
I should have a post up by the end of the week with some progress on my Battletech warships. Until next time, thanks for reading.